Here, we showcase agroforestry pictures shared by our members and others. For more pictures, please visit our Zenodo Library. You can also contribute by sharing your own pictures there!
- Suffolk organic agroforestry, food, horticulture hub 'Wakelyns' alley. By Maja Lindström Kling,
- Irish Agroforestry Forum By Maureen Kilgore
- Varmlandska skogsfar varen Maja Lindström Kling,
- Urban forest garden in Berlin Julia Günzel
- Suffolk organic agroforestry, food, horticulture hub 'Wakelyns' Maja Lindström Kling,
- Stora Juleboda Agroforestry Maja Lindström Kling,
- Goats in an Aleppo pine forest in Cassà de la Selva, Girona. By AGS-CTFC-AgroForAdapt
- A pond with islands of vegetation in Dehesa de El Guijo. The aquatic plans have been planted on floating platforms made with natural cork (from the cork oaks). These platforms serve as shelter and nesting ground for aquatic birds. By Manuel Bertomeu García
- Shrubs play a crucial role in promoting woodland regeneration due to the nursing effect (providing shade and shelter to tree saplings). By Manuel Bertomeu García
- Suffolk organic agroforestry, food, horticulture hub 'Wakelyns' Maja Lindström Kling,
- A dehesa of mediterranean ash (Fraxinus angustifolia) in central Spain. Tree pollarding provides fodder and fuelwood. By M. Bertomeu
- Agroforestry strips along small water course By Rico Hübner
- I. Frenzel_Hühner im AFS_Hof Hartmann By German Agroforestry Association (DeFAF e.V.)
- Chicken coppice in North Rhine-Westphalia By Julia Günzel
- Alley cropping system combining hybrid lavender with holm oak trees mycorrhized with black truffle in the high steppes of San Felices, Soria. By AGS-CTFC-AgroForAdapt
- Irish Agroforestry Forum By Maureen Kilgore
- J. Günzel - Freiburg-DSC00618 By German Agroforestry Association (DeFAF e.V.)
- Alley cropping in Brandenburg By Leon Bessert
- Irish Agroforestry Forum By Maureen Kilgore
- R.Hübner-Rinderhaltung-in Streuobstwiesen By German Agroforestry Association (DeFAF e.V.)
- R.Huebner-Gewaesserrand By German Agroforestry Association (DeFAF e.V.)
- Shrubs play a crucial role in maintaining soil stability, promoting woodland regeneration, diversifying the landscape, providing wildlife habitat, and serving as a forage reserve during unfavorable years By Manuel Bertomeu García
- A typical dehesa with holm oak and sheep in Abadía, Cáceres By M. Bertomeu
- Erasmus+ project "Unhide Agroforestry: Latvia - Sweden Agroforestry Knowledge Exchange By Maja Lindström
- Livestock farming with trees in Rhineland-Palantinate By Hugo Orenga
- Hedges framing fields, so called “Knicks” in northern Germany By Klaus Dürkop
- I. Frenzel_Storche auf AFS-Feld By German Agroforestry Association (DeFAF e.V.)
- J.Guenzel_Calau2 By German Agroforestry Association (DeFAF e.V.)
- Sheep grazing in an olive tree orchard in Mirabel, Cáceres By M. Bertomeu
- I.Frenzel_Obstbäume in Kombination mit Gemüseanbau By German Agroforestry Association (DeFAF e.V.)
- Erasmus+ project "Unhide Agroforestry: Latvia - Sweden Agroforestry Knowledge Exchange By Maja Lindström
- Stora Juleboda Honsrotering By Maja Lindström Kling,
- Goats of the local Guadarrama bred grazing in a stone pine forests in Valdemaqueda, Madrid By M. Bertomeu
- Stora Juleboda Agroforestry Maja Lindström Kling,
- Sheep grazing in an apple orchard in Asturias By J. Coello
- Stora Juleboda Agroforestry Maja Lindström Kling,
- Silvo-pastoral forest grazing with pigs By Rico Hübner
- An enclosure of a hedgerow of the shrub Pistacia lentiscus and planted Phillyrea angustifolia (in the tree shelters) By Manuel Bertomeu García
- Stora Juleboda Agroforestry Maja Lindström Kling,
- R.Huebner-Rerik-Bluehstriefen-Gehoelze By German Agroforestry Association (DeFAF e.V.)
- Hedgerows of the fodder shrub tagasaste (Chamaecytisus proliferus). Tagasaste is a multi-purpose species that provides feed and shelter for livestock, is used for soil conservation and provides bee forage. By Manuel Bertomeu García
- Suffolk organic agroforestry, food, horticulture hub 'Wakelyns' Maja Lindström Kling,
- Erasmus+ project "Unhide Agroforestry: Latvia - Sweden Agroforestry Knowledge Exchange By Maja Lindström
- Stora Juleboda Humlebon Maja Lindström Kling,
- J. Günzel - Hof Hartmann DSC00928 By German Agroforestry Association (DeFAF e.V.)
- C.Boehm-Forst-Ernte By German Agroforestry Association (DeFAF e.V.)
- Scattered planting of mediterranean ash (Fraxinus angustifolia) on waterlogged soils in Dehesa Casablanca, Spain. Mediterranean ash provides nutritious green fodder at the end of summer as well as shade and shelter By Manuel Bertomeu García
- J.Guenzel-Schafe-Walnuss-Luxemburg By German Agroforestry Association (DeFAF e.V.)
- Sheep in a Juniperus thurifera open forest in the highlands of Tiermes, Soria. By J. Coello
- Fruit orchards, so called “Streuobstwiese” in the south of Germany By Julia Günzel
- Aromatic plants (Lavander) planted in Dehesa de El Guijo. The flowers attract insect pollinators. By Manuel Bertomeu García
- Erasmus+ project "Unhide Agroforestry: Latvia - Sweden Agroforestry Knowledge Exchange By Maja Lindström
- Stora Juleboda Agroforestry_Permaodlingen Maja Lindström Kling,