EURAF’s Gender Equality Plan

cardboard-people-women-men-equalityThe European Commission is dedicated to advancing gender equality in the field of research and innovation. This commitment is part of the broader European Commission Gender Equality Strategy for 2020-2025, which encompasses all policies within the European Union (EU). Moreover, the EU has established a comprehensive regulatory framework addressing gender equality, including binding directives that extend to various sectors, including research. Nevertheless, due to unique challenges within the research and innovation sector, specific measures are required to tackle persistent gender disparities and inequalities.

Horizon Europe, a key research and innovation program funded by the European Union, underscores the Commission’s pledge to gender equality. It designates gender equality as a cross-cutting priority and introduces more robust provisions in this regard. The program’s objectives include enhancing the research and innovation system in Europe, establishing gender-equitable work environments, and incorporating the gender dimension into projects to enhance research quality and societal relevance. Horizon Europe addresses gender equality through various avenues, such as Gender Equality Plans (GEPs), the integration of a gender dimension into research content, and striving for gender balance in program boards, expert groups, and evaluation committees.

The European Agroforestry Federation is committed to the objectives of the European Commission in this regard. To this end, EURAF’s board developed a Gender Equality Plan and an internal strategy for periodically reviewing it. Download EURAF’s GEP through this link