Treeless Vision: Lacking shade for climate action Press Statement
EURAF takes note of today’s publication of the ‘Vision for EU Agriculture and Food’, launched by Vice President Raffaele Fitto, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms and Commissioner for Agriculture and Food, Christophe Hansen.
While the document addresses matters of existential importance for European agriculture – such as generational renewal or a fair standard of living for farmers – EURAF warns yet once again about the risk of a siloed approach.
The specific omission of agroforestry or trees on farms from the text and the apparent shift away from prioritising concrete climate mitigation and adaptation measures by the current European Commission is a matter of concern for EURAF.
In its contribution to the discussions around the Vision, EURAF already published 17 policy recommendations which were also sent to the European Commission. EURAF hopes for a constructive dialogue with the European Commission on the priorities outlined today in the Vision.
EURAF has a target of helping establish 2Mha of trees on grassland and 8.6Mha of trees on cropland to raise the tree crown cover outside forests in all regions of Europe to 10% by 2040, while keeping the land in agriculture.
Notes to editors:
- Press Release. Agroforestry – key for EU’s agriculture & food vision – link.
- 17 policy recommendations in ‘Agricultural trees for resilient landscapes: a vision for European agroforestry’- link.
- More about benefits of agroforestry – link.
- More about EURAF and our work – link.
- Pictures of European agroforestry – link.