Year-End Reflection from EURAF VP
A Word from EURAF Vice-President Maureen Kilgore:
Autumn has been a busy season for EURAF. The EURAF team has been analysing policy, working on projects, promoting agroforestry and regenerative farming principles, and building partnerships through collaborative project work and networking.
EURAF recently launched the Vision Document, which includes 17 insightful recommendations to increase tree planting and help mitigate climate change. This document reflects your needs and views, with recommendations based on scientific evidence. A strong emphasis has been placed on the need for climate resilience policies.
I travelled to Brussels to attend a meeting with the Director General of Agriculture, Wolfgang Burtscher, regarding the EURAF vision. We discussed agroforestry and its many benefits, its use as a tool to mitigate climate change, and the need for farm income security. I shared examples of positive policy changes and agroforestry support in Ireland. We also addressed broader issues in agriculture that can affect policymakers’ willingness to support agroforestry practices and explored ways to overcome these challenges.
Recognising the role of farmers and farm families as essential partners in delivering the future vision for agriculture and food is crucial. Here is a quote I included in the presentation for DG Agri, which I believe encapsulates the collaborative approach needed to achieve the vision:
I hope to restart our EURAF farmer group online in the Spring and hope to see you there for more farmer-to-farmer agroforestry knowledge transfer.
Nollag Shona agus Beannachtaí na Féile oraibh.
Athbhliain faoi Mhaise Daoibh 2025!
Happy Christmas and Holiday Greetings
Happy New Year 2025!
Kind regards, Maureen