Policy Briefing #24. Agroforestry & the Sustainable Carbon Cycles Communication
EURAF welcomed the positive vote of the European Parliament plenary (‘own-initiative procedure – rapporteur MEP Bernhuber, EPP/AT) on the “Sustainable Carbon Cycles Communication”. The agreed text reinforces the importance of agroforestry and agroecological farming principles within carbon farming and stresses the need for targets to be included in revised versions of the CAP Strategic Plans. EURAF however regrets a) that stress is not put on the updating of carbon farming and LULUCF targets in revisions of national Energy and Climate Plans – which are due to be sent to Brussels in draft form by June 2023; b) that there is no requirement for Member States to consult on these plans or to make them public; c) that Parliament failed to comment on the chronic under-achievement of Member States in meeting their tree planting targets, and the risk that this poses to achievement of the EU’s “Fit for 55” targets.
Read more about EURAF’s reaction here.